More COVID19 court delays coming, and the GA Board moves forward with virtual hearings
Yesterday, the Georgia Supreme Court issued its Second Order Extending Declaration of Statewide Judicial Emergency. This extends its previous order to remain in effect through June 12, 2020. This Order will keep all courts closed through that date. Click here for a PDF copy of the Supreme Court's Order. As before, courts will remain functional to conduct essential business, but trials and hearings will be postponed.
The Supreme Court has attached an appendix to the Order that explains how the extension will be applied to filing deadlines and statutes of limitations. If you have any cases that bring those issues into play, please contact me so we can discuss this further.
The State Board of Workers' Compensation has not yet followed the Supreme Court's lead. When I contacted the Executive Director's Office to ask, I was told that they were waiting to see what the Chief Justice was going to do. I expect them to issue a similar order later today extending all deadlines to echo the Supreme Court.
The Board has, however, moved forward with its planning the possibility of virtual hearings going forward. Late Friday, the Board issued a model pre-hearing order that addresses the various procedural challenges that virtual hearings will encounter. Click here to see a PDF of the Board's Model Consent Order. I have discussed the proposed hearing procedures with colleagues, and I would only advise virtual hearings if there is some advantage to be gained by doing so. It occurs to me that cross-examining a recalcitrant or equivocal witness would prove very difficult.
If you have any questions or concerns about how the courts are moving forward or how these changes will impact a particular case, please contact me at your convenience.