State Board Makes Minor Changes to Board Rules - Effective 2/16/16
The Georgia State Board of Workers' Compensation has done some minor housekeeping by tweaking two of the Board's Rules.
Rule 61(b)(42) has been promulgated for the implementation of a new form. The new form is called a "WC Change of Information," and it must be used to change any information about parties in the Board's files. Most parties had previously tackled this problem by filing WC-14s and specifying new information in the form's "Other" box. Click here to download the new form [PDF].
Rule 102(B)(4) was amended to remove the requirement that the party requesting a hearing must provide the correct name and address for the third-party administrator. This change is presumably a response to the difficulty that most Claimant's attorneys faced when filing a claim. Many of the larger insurers use multiple TPAs, and it is often difficult if not impossible to determine the correct TPA without contacting the insurer directly.
If you have questions about these rule changes or the impact that they might have on you, please contact us.